My "Book Talk" published on Aug 10, Bangladesh Post, on one of the trendsetting books on Philosophy, Historicism and Socio-Political psyche, by perhaps the best Philosopher of Science and Critical Rationalist of 20th century, Karl Popper. 23/08/2018 A Daily with a Difference | Latest Online English Daily among Bangladesh Newspapers NATIONAL WORLD BUSINESS SPORTS OPINION EDITORIAL SUPPLEMENT ALL SECTION HomeEducation & CultureThe Open Society And Its Enemies
My Editorial Page write up on Social Isolation of Senior Citizens 22/06/2018 My write up on the grim reality around, published on Editorial Page 6, Da
My Op-Ed Page 4 Write up on World Youth Skills Day, July 15, The Bangladesh Post 19/07/2018 My Opinion-Editorial Page 4 Write up, The Skill-Gap of Human Capital, pub
Published on Daily Sun, Bangladesh, Aug 29, 2018 11/09/2018 With Ahmed Tahsin Shams,Lecturer,Department of English, Notre Dame Univer